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Moorhens were the first waterbird to adopt the ponds we have dug to encourage wildlife, and they have successfully raised 1 to 3 broods each years 1991 to 2011 in full view of the kitchen window. The moorhen left the site in the drought at the end of 2011 (as they sometimes do anyway) but did not return for the summer of 2012. Moorhens are very unusual in that the second and subsequent broods of a season have the advantage of help from the previous brood's juveniles with guarding and feeding.

The delight for us of all this activity has earned these common though shy water birds the URL 'dedication' for these pages.





Territory & Nesting

Raising the Brood

The new Generation


If you are interested in birds the absolute No. 1 UK bird conservation and information site is the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). Their habitat protection policies benefits far more wildlife than 'just' birds.